The nature of reputation is permanent, i.e. honor, destiny, and the dignity of individuals which are always attached to them and whose appearance and appearance only change. This research aims to study the factors that cause defamation of individuals in the Holy Qur’an, one of the ethical principles that unfortunately is rarely given attention in our society today. The main issue of this research is that to what extent do our national laws attach importance to people's reputation, inspired by and in harmony with the Holy Qur'an, and did they define the factors of defamation and warn us against them? By contemplating a number of blessed verses and passing on the laws of our dear country, it is proven that factors including: mockery and insult, spying, accusations and slander, spreading rumors and spreading lies cause harm to a person’s reputation and damage to his dignity. The research initially deals with the definitions and generalities, and then discusses some of the defamation factors in the related verses and the relevant laws for each of the factors.