مجلة أرض الشام مجلة علمية دورية محكّمة متخصصة تصدر الكترونيا عن مؤسسة أرض الشام في الجمهورية العربية السورية اختصاصات المجلة (الثقافة , التعليم , التنمية , الفنون , الرياضة , التسلية الهادفة)، حصلت مجلة ارض الشام على الرقم الدولي ISSN:2789-6552 (online)
Study on the use of protein supplements in athletes
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Protein supplements
biceps enlargement

How to Cite

Prof. Ahed Abou younes. (2022). Study on the use of protein supplements in athletes. Sham’s Land Journal, 1(1). Retrieved from https://journal.shamlands.sy/index.php/SLJ/article/view/4


    The research is a field study on the effect of taking protein supplements on a group of players of different ages and comparing them with their counterparts who did not take protein supplements while following a balanced diet and exercise program only. The study included 48 players and volunteers who were divided into three groups according to the age groups A (20-29 years), B (30-39 years) and C (40-50 years), and each group was divided into two parts, the first used protein supplements of 25 grams per day and the second Supplements were not used, and a survey questionnaire was conducted on the foods the players eat as a protein food source. Coach Hussein Anisafi contributed to the selection of the players and gave from his experience, which enriched the study. The study found that the highest frequency of food eaten by the athlete as a protein food source is eggs, followed by chicken breast, and that their trainer is the source of their confidence and guidance towards taking protein supplements and adopting a balanced diet. Protein content on the biceps muscle of players with the age groups of the players, it was found that the players in the young age group A had an increase in muscle amplification higher than other age groups and tended more to take supplements in order to obtain the desired muscle size and shape, while the second age group B They did not get the desired result, but they depended more on the training program and diet more, and this may be due to their long experience in the field of training and the quality of eating. With regard to age group C, the change was slight, as taking protein supplements was not accompanied by a clear change in muscle amplification. Additional types of supplements had to be used other than the supplements used in the study. Certainly, the use of nutritional supplements is due to the desire of young people to obtain a suitable body. Excessive intake of these supplements is related to the level of education enjoyed by the player on the one hand and the coach on the other, which highlights the position that the coach enjoys among the players and his important role in the awareness process. them and do not drift into indiscriminate intake of any kind of supplement.    
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