مجلة أرض الشام مجلة علمية دورية محكّمة متخصصة تصدر الكترونيا عن مؤسسة أرض الشام في الجمهورية العربية السورية اختصاصات المجلة (الثقافة , التعليم , التنمية , الفنون , الرياضة , التسلية الهادفة)، حصلت مجلة ارض الشام على الرقم الدولي ISSN:2789-6552 (online)
The reality of education in Gaza in light of the Al-Aqsa flood (An analytical study)
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Al-Aqsa flood

How to Cite

Dr. Maha Ibrahim. (2024). The reality of education in Gaza in light of the Al-Aqsa flood (An analytical study). Sham’s Land Journal, 3(1). Retrieved from https://journal.shamlands.sy/index.php/SLJ/article/view/63


This study came in order to know the reality of education in Gaza in light of the Al-Aqsa flood and the extent to which education has reached in light of the recent emerging challenges and changes, in light of contemporary educational literature, previous research, media materials, political analyses, and leadership speeches and statements that dealt with the variables of the study. The study adopted the content analysis approach by analyzing local, Arab and international documents and reports related to the subject of the study, relying on the unity of the subject and the unity of the media material. The spatial and temporal boundaries of the research were limited to the Gaza Strip from the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation until the date of completion of this research.

In light of the results of the analysis of the reality of education in Gaza in light of the Al-Aqsa flood; A proposed scenario was presented to ensure the continuation of education in light of the Al-Aqsa flood, in light of the experiences of some countries.


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