مجلة أرض الشام مجلة علمية دورية محكّمة متخصصة تصدر الكترونيا عن مؤسسة أرض الشام في الجمهورية العربية السورية اختصاصات المجلة (الثقافة , التعليم , التنمية , الفنون , الرياضة , التسلية الهادفة)، حصلت مجلة ارض الشام على الرقم الدولي ISSN:2789-6552 (online)
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Linguistic Dualism
Classical Language
Linguistic Effects.

How to Cite

Rima Ismail Al Diab. (2024). Diaglosia. Sham’s Land Journal, 3(2). Retrieved from https://journal.shamlands.sy/index.php/SLJ/article/view/75


diaglosia is one of the language's dilemmas. This phenomenon has recently begun to threaten the Arabic language due to the loss of balance between the classical language and the colloquial form of the language.This, in turn, did not only target the Arabic language, but also targeted the existence of the Arabs for Arabic language is the basis of the existence of the Arabs, and it represents the belonging and identity of such people.

This research addresses both the problem and the causes. It also attempts to provide solutions that limit the spread of this linguistic phenomenon in order to preserve the  classical language, which has stood in the face of challenges for a long time and continues to prove to this day that it is a strong language that is difficult to undermine.

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