مجلة أرض الشام مجلة علمية دورية محكّمة متخصصة تصدر الكترونيا عن مؤسسة أرض الشام في الجمهورية العربية السورية اختصاصات المجلة (الثقافة , التعليم , التنمية , الفنون , الرياضة , التسلية الهادفة)، حصلت مجلة ارض الشام على الرقم الدولي ISSN:2789-6552 (online)

Sham's Land Journal

Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024)
Published April 30, 2024

Sham's Land Journal of  arts and humanities sciences is scientific, refereed, periodical and specialized magazine issued online by Sham Lands in the Syrian Arab Republic



Dr. Samer Hussein Al-Mustafa
The impact of using dimensions of artificial intelligence application tools in enhancing customer satisfaction (A practical study on clients in public and private banks in the city of Damascus)
pdf (العربية)
Dr.. Sam Abdel Karim Ammar
Vers un dictionnaire des significations de la forme verbale en langue arabe
pdf (العربية)
Dr. Afra Ibrahim Khalil Al-Obaidi
Academic boredom among middle school students in the light of some variables
pdf (العربية)
Dr. khalil sara
The beginnings of globalization in ancient history (Alexander the Great as an example, 356-323 BC)
pdf (العربية)
Dr. Zakwan ahmad kreit
The extent to which the use of quantitative methods contributes to human resources planning
pdf (العربية)
Dr. lena muhssen
The Kingdom of Ugarit is among the archaeological discoveries of the ancient era
pdf (العربية)
Dr. Mona Youssef Kashik1
The role of the university in promoting a culture of societal dialogue among university students: A case study of graduate students at Damascus Uni-versity - Faculty of Education
pdf (العربية)
Dr. madian habeb
The Russian-American conflict in Ukraine and its effects on the crisis in Syria
pdf (العربية)
Dr. bushra hmama
The role of Damascus university in developing the values of digital citizenship from the perspective of students of the College of Education
pdf (العربية)
Dr.. Maha Ibrahim
The reality of education in Gaza in light of the Al-Aqsa flood (An analytical study)
pdf (العربية)
Dr. Ibrahim Ghassan Ammar
Studying the reality of re-engineering administrative processes in banks and its role in improving human resources performance A field study on the Cham Bank (general administration)
pdf (العربية)
Dr. Ola Aziz Dayoub dayoub, Dr. Raghad Adnan Abdin
The degree of use of digital technology in teaching from the point of view of faculty members in Damascus University (Quneitra Branch Colleges as an example)
pdf (العربية)
أ. عمر الجباعي
Effect of Foliar and Ground Addition of Silicon Compounds on the Uptake of Some Nutrients, the Growth and Productivity of Apple Trees
pdf (العربية)
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Sham 's land journal, which aims to publish innovative research and studies in its field of interest and consolidate scientific and intellectual ties within the framework of patriotism and the spirit of resistance, presented by professors and specialized researchers in and outside the Syrian Arab Republic, in both Arabic and English, in addition to publishing studies and articles that have the assets And scientific standards, in its field of specialization, where the journal is concerned with the following specializations:

(Culture, education, arts, sports, development, purposeful entertainment).

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